This page contains answers to frequently asked questions. If you still have a question that is not answered herein, please feel free to contact us via the link in the footer below.

How do I change my password?

Once you are logged in, on the top right corner of the site, you will see your name. Hover over it and a dropdown menu will appear with an option to “Edit My Profile.” Simply select that and you will be redirected to your profile settings, which include a field to update your password.

If you are not logged in and cannot remember your password, on the Login Screen, you will see an option to request a password reset link below the login box.

Once I enroll in a course or program, will I receive CD’s and DVD’s in the mail?

No. In order to provide the greatest value and best user experience, all of our courses and programs are available entirely as digital products that can be accessed instantly via the Spiritual Excellence Member Portal.

This method of delivery allows us to continually add to and update the content, to interact and engage directly with our students, and to provide instant access globally while keeping course costs affordable.

Furthermore, all of our standalone courses include unrestricted lifetime membership and can be accessed at any time.

Can I share any courses I have enrolled in with others?

Yes. And no. While it is permissible and we encourage you to share any courses you’ve enrolled in with your immediate household, we humbly require that relatives, family and friends beyond your immediate household enroll in the courses themselves.

Not only will doing so make it possible for us to continue producing content and courses, it will in fact make possible for those we care about to benefit as well, for unless one invests in and spends something of their own energy and intention, taking benefit will be minimal if at all, as operating with clarity, integrity and prosperity-based consciousness are key to success.

Why do you charge for these courses and training programs?

We believe that spirituality and empowering education are indeed priceless, and cannot be bought and sold. We do not believe that the path to God should be impeded due to one’s lack of resources and funds, and whenever possible we do our best to make available spiritual material as accessible as possible to all.

That being said, there are significant and real world costs associated with websites and development, video and audio production, customer service, social media management and engagement, and more. If there is not a sustainable model to afford these real world expenses, no material and content could be produced.

While all are welcome absolutely free and without charge to attend our local gatherings, professionally produced content must be supported and subsidized. Otherwise, this site and these resources simply would not exist.

Furthermore, we provide extensive free resources and material regardless via our podcast Soul of Islam Radio, YouTube and the Spiritual Excellence Blog.

Perhaps the more important question is why do many without thought or question spend their money, energy and resources on everything other than that which matters most? Why do we support businesses that exist only to rob us of our true purpose, and that ultimately drown us in heedlessness and materialism, and not support work that seeks to help and to heal human beings and human hearts? Did not the blessed and noble Prophet ﷺ and his righteous companions, may God be pleased with them, give everything they had for the sake of truth?

There is no more difficult task than to be a beacon for the light of guidance, and most who have selflessly chosen this path must endure great struggle and personal hardship in the effort to communicate truth. We sincerely appreciate your good intentions and your support in this endeavor and in this mission.