Discover the Power of Stillness to Develop the Capacity for Presence

In this Group Coaching Call as part of the Awakenings Academy Group Coaching Program, we discuss the power of stillness to enter into the state of presence in which the consciousness of the heart is allowed to awaken and to blossom, and through which one begins to realize his or her divine potential.

By learning to use the gateway of the breath, you will learn how to progressively become rooted and anchored in the present moment, thereby increasingly developing capacity for transcendence and alignment with the flow of Divine Will.

Also discussed are recommendations for a daily practice, how to transcend thoughts by not resisting and wrestling with them, the power of the deep night for spiritual practice and awakening, how to support yourself in the return journey to innocence by shifting from thinking to feeling, the importance of the body and its internal energy field in awakening consciousness, how meditative spiritual practice provides vital and necessary deep rest, and much more.

Learn more in Keys to an Effective Meditative Spiritual Practice.


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