Discover the Path of Light with Sheikha Maryam Kabeer

Sheikha Maryam Kabeer is the author of Journey Through Ten Thousand Veils and has been featured in Soul of Islam Radio as well as the Spiritual Excellence Vlog, and is a teacher and guide in classical Islamic spirituality. Her personal journey has taken her through nearly ever culture and spiritual path on the planet, yet she […]

Discover the Power of Faith and Vision

The ability to look beyond current circumstances and environments requires both faith and vision, and these are precisely the qualities necessary for true and authentic leadership. Allah Almighty has honored they who believe with the opportunity to turn towards what is positive and what is possible, and to lead by example towards the new. In […]

A Heartfelt Interview with Sheikha Maryam Kabeer

[x_video_embed no_container=”true”][/x_video_embed] Sheikha Maryam Kabeer is one of those rare individuals who from a young age was called and guided by the light of God to seek truth and to continue journeying towards the Divine Presence regardless of the challenges and obstacles that face they who sincerely seek awakening. Her quest for knowledge, wisdom and understanding […]

Port and Migration of Eternal Warrior Way Complete

It is with great joy and pleasure that the port and migration of the Eternal Warrior Way Program is complete. This evolutionary course currently contains a total of 24 training modules with a strong emphasis on zuhd, fasting and the development of inner strength and power, and is the perfect program to embark upon during the blessed […]

Discover the Power of Light in Ramadan

The holy and blessed month of Ramadan provides an unparalleled opportunity to increase in capacity and in connection with light, and it is in this blessed month that descends power, energy and light from the Divine Presence of Allah Almighty. As we increase our submersion in and subsistence on light, darkness naturally diminishes from our […]

The Necessity of the Way of the Spiritual Warrior

The noble and blessed way of the spiritual warrior originates with the first human being and the first prophet of God, and continues to this very day as an essential component of successful culture designed to protect that which matters most: innocence and beauty as created by God Almighty. In this Group Coaching Call, you will […]

Learn How to Create a Beautiful Life

As human beings created and imbued with divine grace and the power of choice, we as representatives and deputies of God are destined to create. It is with the light of faith, trust, belief and vision that we create beauty, goodness, peace and prosperity. Yet the lack of light and presence results in the manifestation […]

Guided Meditation to Prepare for Ramadan

Through mindfulness and meditation, and through presence and be-ing, we deepen and strengthen our connection with the Divine Presence of God, Who is utterly and absolutely Transcendent, and yet is also concurrently Imminent. Join us in a guided meditation session in which we affirm the Oneness of God, Truth and Reality, and as we learn to […]

On the Seeking of Pleasure

As human beings, we are naturally inclined towards and driven to seek pleasure. Yet the type of pleasure we seek and what one finds as pleasurable is largely determined by his or her state of consciousness. For one whose consciousness is localized in the lower self and based in ego (the mind and body), pleasure is the satiation of […]

Spiritual Excellence Is Your Key to the House

The blessed and noble Messenger ﷺ stated towards the end of his life and mission upon this plane that he leaves behind him two things, the holy Qur’an and the members of his household, and that by holding close to these, a believer will be led true. Based upon the example of the luminous companion […]

The Conclusion of Rejuvenation of the Soul

In this final concluding session of Rejuvenation of the Soul, we briefly review the seven blessed characteristics that dress the heart of faith, and also discuss the seven qualities and characteristics that result from a lack of faith. When the heart is immersed in the light and love of Truth, it is blessed with attraction towards […]

Join Us in Affirming the Greatness of God

In this Group Coaching Call, you will have the opportunity to join us in meditation, dhikr and suhba as we affirm the transcendent greatness of God Almighty and open our hearts and souls to His Divine Presence. By learning to fully surrender in peace through the breath, we in each moment complete the cycle of […]

Bonus Training Added to Awakenings Academy

We have just added a new section of bonus training material to Awakenings Academy, and have published a new live training session with Imam Fode entitled Dhikr Leads to Life and Knowledge. In this bonus audio recording, Imam Fode Drame speaks on the vital importance of remembrance and meditation towards the awakening of the human […]

Join Us in Prayer on Blessed Laylat al-Ragha’ib

Laylatul Ragha’ib has historically been recognized as the blessed night in which the light of the Prophet ﷺ was transferred from his father to the womb of his mother, and has since been observed as a sacred and holy night of mercy and support for the denizens of the Universe. On this holy night, it is recommended to […]

How to Reap the Rewards of Rajab

The blessed month of Rajab is known as the “Month of God,” and has historically been used by believers to deepen their connection with Allah Almighty. In this Group Coaching Call, we discuss the unique benefits and blessings of the month of Rajab and how to best take advantage of the openings that are present […]

Believers Must Advance Human Culture

The particular path, message and mission of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was primarily focused upon the development and perfection of noble character and thus the evolution of human culture. While it is easy in the modern world to equate progress with the advancement of technological capacity, the reality of human evolution is to be […]

The Divine Dress of Faith

In this session, we begin discussing the “Ornaments of Faith,” which are the qualities and characteristics that manifest with iman. This session begins the final section of Rejuvenation of the Soul. Topics covered are the Three Components of Iman (as well as their opposites), the Seven Ornaments of Faith, the relationship between love and faith, the […]

The Preeminence of Adab in the Presence of God

In Part 5 of Hajj and the Journey Home as part of the Rejuvenation of the Soul course, we focus on the importance of adaband how developing excellence in character and conduct is essential towards rising to the Divine Presence of God. In this session, we discuss the importance of remembering death, the relationship between mortality […]

Humility is the Path to Spiritual Excellence

While many paths and ways are often categorized as ‘spiritual,’ the essence of the spiritual path is in simplicity and humility, and not in the seeking of mystical experiences and occult knowledge. In this Group Coaching Call, we remind ourselves of the purpose and focus of Awakenings Academy, and that we are here but to cultivate […]

Taqwa and Adab on the Journey Home

With Part 4 of Hajj and the Journey Home as part of the Rejuvenation of the Soul course, we continue to explore the deeper meaning of fasting as it pertains to the ascent into the Divine Presence of God, and also begin discussing the Fifth Station: Arriving Home. Essential concepts and topics are expanded upon […]