Spiritual Asceticism and Purity on the Journey Home

In Part 3 of Hajj and the Journey Home as part of the Rejuvenation of the Soul course, we continue to expand on purification which is the second station and pillar of the path Home to the Divine Presence of God, and we also begin discussing fasting, which is the fourth station in the journey to […]

The Greatness of the Pleasure of God

We continue Rejuvenation of the Soul in Part 2 of Hajj and the Journey Home. In this session, we continue with the second station and pillar of the journey home, salah, and begin discussing the third station, purification. While most seek the pleasure of the self, the believer is he or she who seeks the divine pleasure of […]

Rejuvenation of the Soul: Hajj and the Journey Home, Part 01

We now begin the second portion of Rejuvenation of the Soul with Hajj and the Journey Home, which is focused on the sacred and eternal journey Home to the Divine Presence of our Source and Creator, Allah Almighty. In Part 01 of this section, we discuss the deeper dimension of the Hajj and how it is an […]

Two Essential Conditions of Repentance

Repentance is an integral component in the life and path of the believer, and is based upon the light and teachings of the Holy Qur’an as well as the noble example, way and sunnah of the beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. There are two essential conditions for repentance to be true, valid and effective, and by deepening our […]

Unity is the Key to Our Success

As human beings, we have but four enemies: nafs, dunya, hawa and shaytan. In this Group Coaching Call, we discuss the goals of these enemies, and how they work to create conflict and fragmentation both in the individual and in the collective, be it in one’s marriage, family, tribe, community, nation or the world. They […]

The Universe is Love

Although it may not appear as such when we tune to the media and the constant negative news, the truth is that we live in an Ocean of Divine Love and Mercy, and that fundamentally the Universe is Love. By healing and correcting our perception, and by increasing our level of awareness and consciousness, we […]

The Holy Spirit and Knowledge

In Chapter 10 of Rejuvenation of the Soul, we learn about the relationship between Sacred Breath and divine knowledge. In increasing one’s state of expansion and thus connection with Holy Spirit, we imbibe not only love, light and life, but also knowledge. Topics covered in this session include the awakening of the heart and its faculties […]

Adam, Between Faith and Knowledge

In Chapter 9 of Rejuvenation of the Soul, Imam Fode continues to expound on the unique quality of the human being to have the capacity to carry the Holy Spirit of God, Ruh al-Qudds, and thereby to be honored with the responsibility of the Deputy of the Divine. In this lesson, we are reminded of the […]

The Universe is Alive

Although seldom spoken about, Islam is a way and a path that is deeply connected to the natural world and the cycles of the Universe. One of the most important realizations that come directly from the teachings of the blessed and noble Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the Holy Qur’an is the fact that the entire Universe […]

The Trustee and the Trust

In Chapter 8 of Rejuvenation of the Soul, we develop our understanding of what it means to be a trustee of God, and how this relates to a human being’s role in creation as a khalifah, or Deputy of the Divine. We learn that the Universe is alive, and that we are connected to it through our breath. […]

Trust and Love

In Chapter 7 of Rejuvenation of the Soul, Imam Fode dives deeper into the secret and reality of the trust, al-amanah, with which Allah Almighty entrusted humanity to the exclusion of all other creations. In this session, we learn of the importance of trust and how it relates to faith and love, the importance of keeping […]

Be In the World as a Traveler

On the authority of Abdullah ibn ‘Umar (ra), the blessed Messenger of God ﷺ is reported as having stated, “Be in the world as a traveler or a stranger,” [Bukhari]. In this simple statement, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ communicates the essence and summary of the journey of a human being as a traveler or wayfarer […]

The Human Heart

In Chapter 6 of Rejuvenation of the Soul, Imam Fode continues to expand on the unique nature of the human heart and its capacity to carry the divine trust, al-amanah, granted to creation by Allah Almighty. In this session, we learn of the relationship between trust, faith and love, and that through complete and total reliance, […]

Expansion and Trust

In Chapter 5 of Rejuvenation of the Soul, we dive deeper into the realization that all of Life and the Universe are fundamentally one, and that by progressively transcending the self, we progressively transcend separation. While the mind and the ego that arises from its processes are based in separateness and disconnection, the heart seeks oneness, […]

Expansion and Love

In Chapter 4 of Rejuvenation of the Soul, we discover as the great Rumi (qs) said, “Love is the bridge between you and everything.” Through love, we are able to commune, i.e. become one with and transcend separateness, and only thus truly communicate with another. Love is faith, and faith is light, and thus love is the […]

Expansion and the Increase of Knowledge

In Chapter 3 of Rejuvenation of the Soul, Imam Fode draws significant parallels and connections between the ever expanding nature of the Universe and of consciousness, and the thus necessary continual increase in the depth of knowledge and light that is made available in the Universe. As creation continues and advances in its journey towards […]

Expansion and Our Universe

In Chapter 2 of Rejuvenation of the Soul, we discuss at length the evolutionary and ever expanding nature of the Universe, as well as the divine relationship between consciousness and creation. It is through the power of the Divine Breath that creation is brought into existence and maintained, and by deeply connecting with and becoming […]

Expansion and the Heart

Today we begin the new course and series Rejuvenation of the Soul in Awakenings Academy, and this  blessed and beautiful journey begins with Expansion and the Heart. In this session, we cover the centrality of the heart in both the physical and spiritual life of an entity. We learn that the health, state and condition of […]

Updated Training Schedule for Rejuvenation of the Soul

May this message find you well, strong and with growing awareness at the onset of the year 2018. Happy, blessed, joyous and prosperous New Year. Insha’llah Ta’ala Rahman, with the grace, guidance, support and light of God, this will be a year of great change, growth, awakening, connection, strength and success. Ameen Ya Rabbuna. That […]

Succeed in 2018 and Beyond with Consistency and Perseverance

In the last Group Coaching Call of 2017, we discuss the paramount importance of consistency towards growth, development and ultimate success. As we prepare for a major phase of growth and expansion both personally and communally, it is essential to develop a consistent and progressive path that attracts the divine support of the God. By […]