Shaykh Nazim: Be Humble in Your Teaching

[hr] The fountain of wisdom is the heart, not the mind. As long as you are giving lessons from your mind, you and the people you are addressing are on the same level, and so you cannot teach them anything. To teach the teachings of Allah and His Prophet ﷺ, you must have learned to […]

Shaykh Nazim: Be Humble in Your Worship

[hr] Every religion teaches people to be humble, but the ego, the nafs, always likes to show itself off as being the best, the most excellent, the most learned and most competent person of all. That is the basic mistake of the ego, and the Prophet ﷺ was sent to liberate people from the bonds of […]

Podcast: Peace

[hr] [twocol_one][/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][/twocol_one_last] [hr] Soul of Islam Radio: Peace It is with great excitement that we launch Season 4 of Soul of Islam Radio, which will focus on the emotional health, wellbeing and state of the believer. In this first episode, I discuss the centrality of peace in Islam, and explain how through internal spiritual surrender, one can attain to peace both […]

Shaykh Nazim: Patience is the Key to Faith

[hr] You must know that every time you confront a disliked event with steadfastness, you are improving spiritually, moving powerfully and deliberately towards your destination, and the more trying the event, the more quickly you are propelled to your destination. You must know that every goodness is going to appear through your patience in the face […]

Meditation in Islam

[hr] [youtube=] [hr] Allah Almighty said, “Neither the heavens nor the earth can contain Me, save the heart of a believer.” The doorway to the Divine Presence is in your heart. Through meditation in Islam, you learn to look within. You learn to awaken the capacity for consciousness in your heart. Through meditation in Islam […]

Podcast: Hajj and the Journey to the Divine

[hr] [hr] Soul of Islam Radio: Hajj and the Journey to the Divine The sacred pilgrimage of the Hajj is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, as taught by the blessed Prophet Muhammad (saws), and is undeniably the greatest communal spiritual experience on earth. The Hajj is of such importance that this holy journey is required […]

Podcast: Emotional Freedom

When well understood and practiced, Islamic spirituality results in what may be termed emotional freedom, a state in which we attain freedom and independence from the negative emotions that arise as a result of the conditioned and misprogrammed human mind. Islam in essence is a path of personal transformation based upon divine revelation in the understanding that […]

Podcast: The Divine Decree and Destiny

The concept and principle of destiny is of such importance in Islam that it constitutes one of the very Articles of Faith, and is thus an affirmation of the divine power, omnipotence and glory of God the Creator. A proper understanding of destiny and decree is essential to a life of balance and walking the subtle and straight […]

Podcast: The Spirituality of Salat

Salat, the Islamic prayer practice, can be said to be the fundamental expression of Islam. Although involving physical postures and movements, as well as recitations from the Holy Qur’an, salat is in essence a spiritual practice and experience, and by understanding the spirituality of salat, we can truly reap the rewards of this divinely revealed […]

Podcast: The Islamic Renaissance

Perhaps nothing is more universally misunderstood in the modern era than the way of life known as al-Islam. Although originally revealed as a divine and prophetic path to peace and prosperity, Islam has in recent times become globally associated with violence and terrorism, with intolerance and ignorance. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. […]

Podcast: Transcending the Matrix

The movie The Matrix, originally released in 1999 at the end of the millennium, was a powerful tour de force of special spiritual significance, unveiling subtle and valuable concepts to common consciousness, and providing a framework with which to understand enlightenment and awakening, particularly with regards to Islamic Spirituality, or Sufism. In a special episode […]

Podcast: Maryam Kabeer Faye and Her Journey Through Ten Thousand Veils

Shaykha Maryam Kabeer Faye, author of the autobiography Journey Through Ten Thousand Veils in which she details her personal, private and deeply spiritual journey towards the Divine Presence of God through the path of Islam and Islamic Spirituality, also known as Sufism, is a beautiful example of how, more than anything, it is sincerity and […]

Shaykh Nazim: Unity Beyond Duality

The following excerpt, as transcribed in the book Ocean of Unity, originally published in 1987, is taken from the teachings and associations of Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, the great teacher of Islamic Spirituality, also known as Sufism, and the Reviver of the the Way in the 20th Century. Shaykh Nazim: Unity Beyond Duality [box] Does anyone think that […]

Podcast: Love in Islam

What is the importance of love in Islam? You may be surprised by what you hear in this special episode of Soul of Islam Radio, in which we discuss the deeper reality of love, its utter importance in the life and spiritual path of the Muslim, and how it is love the propels creation back towards […]

Podcast: How to Represent Islam

Islam is nearly universally misunderstood in the modern world, and as Muslims, it is imperative to ask, “What is the most effective way to represent Islam truly?” Islam is understood primarily as a cultural identity and a dogmatic belief system by the majority of Muslims, rather than the living spiritual path of awakening and enlightenment […]

Podcast: Spiritual Asceticism in Islam

In this episode of Soul of Islam Radio, we explore the pillar of Zuhd, which can roughly be translated as spiritual asceticism in Islamic Spirituality. You will learn about the essence of Zuhd through the dissection of the Arabic word, from Qur’anic verses, and through the teachings and application of spiritual asceticism in Islam by the Prophet Muhammad […]

Podcast: Imam Al-Ghazali and His Deliverance from Error

Imam al-Ghazali, who lived in the 11th through 12th centuries of the Common Era, and who came to be known as Hujjat al-Islam, the Proof of Islam, was one of the most influential men of knowledge within Islamic History. His Ihya uloom ad-Din, the Revival of the Religious Sciences, is widely regarded as one of […]

Podcast: Daniel Amin Colman and His Path to Islam

The Prophet Muhammad (saws) is recorded as having said, “There are as many paths to God as there are breaths of mankind.” Each story of the journey to Islam and the Prophetic Path, particularly in the wake of our modern materialist culture, is a unique experience filled with inspiration, light and divine wisdom. In this episode […]

Podcast: The Light of Muhammad (saws)

There are many spiritual paths, yet the Abrahamic lineage of prophets is based specifically upon reconnecting humanity to the Divine Presence and Light of God, and to the greatest realization of human potential as spiritual beings of blessed and pure divine light. This noble lineage of prophets from Abraham (as), continuing through his sons Ishmael (as) and […]

Podcast: The Life and Legacy of Moses

Moses, known in Arabic as Musa (as), like Noah, Abraham, Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad, divine peace and blessings be upon all the Messengers of God, is also known as one of the 5 Great Prophets of Islam, the Ulul ‘Azam. Perhaps more than any other prophet, Moses (as) is mentioned through the Qur’an, numerous examples from his […]