Podcast: The Mission and Message of Jesus

Jesus (as), known as Isa (as) in Arabic, is considered one of the Ulul ‘Azam, one of the 5 Greatest Prophets in Islam, and has a unique place in the hearts of Muslims throughout the world. Jesus (as) is the last of the great Israelite prophets, and the one who immediately precedes and gave good tidings of the Final […]

Podcast: Black Holes and the Voids Within

In this unique episode of Soul of Islam Radio, Ahmad and I discuss the science and significance of black holes, particularly as they relate to spirituality and spiritual development. You’ll learn about the significance of black holes, which are at the center of each galaxy, and their significance to the awakening and development of consciousness, the Divine Presence, the Hajj […]

Podcast: The Book of Eli

The Book of Eli, starring Denzel Washington, Mila Kunis and Gary Oldman, is a powerful movie on the power of faith for both good and evil. Set in a post-apocolyptic world, the Book of Eli depicts not only the abuse of religion and sacred scripture, but also describes at the same time the bleakness of a […]

Podcast: Sufism and Islam

In this episode of Soul of Islam Radio, Ahmad and I discuss the topic of Sufism and Islam. You will learn about the origin and meaning of Sufism, its etymological roots and its historical development. We also discuss the vital importance of both the inner and the outer dimensions of religion, the importance of one’s lineage in the transmission […]

Podcast: Spiritual Healing with Dina Elkoussy

In this episode of Soul of Islam Radio, Ahmad interviews Dina Elkoussy on the subject of spiritual healing and recovering from childhood trauma. Dina elaborates on the vital topic of spiritual healing, and explains how we all acquire spiritual and psychological wounds and traumas as a result of natural experiences in the world, and provides suggestions and advice on […]

Podcast: The Soul of Islam

In this first episode of Soul of Islam Radio, Ahmad and I discuss the deeper meaning of the “Soul of Islam,” as well as our hopes and vision for the podcast. I share that Islam without spirituality is not unlike a body without a soul, and that the religion only truly comes to life when the inner […]

Soul of Islam Radio World Premier Launch

Soul of Islam Radio is a leading-edge radio program that will support your personal growth and spiritual development, and will cover a variety of relevant topics in the fields of spirituality and science, health and wellness, family and relationships, society and culture, ecology and the environment, and much, much more. Soul of Islam Radio Soul of Islam Radio […]

What is Sufism?

Properly understanding what is Sufism is essential in our current age, more important now than ever before, for it is within the sacred tradition of Sufism that humanity will fully flower in consciousness, nearness to the Divine, and awaken to the next stage in human development and the evolution of consciousness. Although Sufism is nearly universally […]

How to Have an Attitude of Gratitude

It can be said that the quality of your life is determined by the quality of emotions you experience on a consistent basis. Do you find yourself as a norm feeling grateful, happy and joyous? Or do fear, frustration and anger tend to dominate your experiences in life? By learning how to have an attitude […]

How to Have an Amazing Ramadan

The spiritual energy and activity of Ramadan is unparalleled, as is the opportunity to leverage the strength and support of community. Learn how to have an amazing Ramadan with the following suggestions and get the most out of the most incredible time of entire year. The Prophet Muhammad (saws) greatly emphasized the importance of engaging with […]

The Divine Power of Dhikr

The sacred spiritual practice of dhikr, also often spelled as zikr, is a unique energetic exercise originating in Islamic Spirituality, also known as Sufism, which simply means “purification of the self,” and that which constitutes the essence of religion. The goal of Islamic Spirituality is the transcendence of the ego-self, the one veil between the human […]

Love and Marriage in Islam

And of His Signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and that He has put between you love and mercy. Verily, in that are signs for those who reflect. — Surah ar-Rum (Holy Quran, 30:21) The seeking and experiencing of love is fundamental […]

The Month of Muharram and the Day of Ashura in Islam

The Day of Ashura, also known as the Day of Atonement, is a day of great historical and spiritual significance for the Muslim community, and it has been recommended by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saws) that this holy day be observed with supererogatory spiritual worship and practice, as well as an optional fast. When is the […]

How to Make Allah Happy in Islam

In answering the question, “How to make Allah happy in Islam?”, I am going to provide a perhaps unexpected and surprising answer, a different angle on the subject than one might normally expect. First, however, an important distinction and clarification. Distinction and Clarification In addressing the question, “How to make Allah happy?”, or “How to […]

The Blessings and Benefits of Fajr Prayer in Islam

“Those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, and establish regular prayers and regular charity — they will have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” — Surah al-Baqarah (Holy Quran, 2:277) Consistent and daily prayer practice constitutes one of the Five Pillars of Islam, holding a […]

Happiness in Islam: 5 Steps to a Life of Joy and Purpose

In understanding the subject of happiness in Islam, and God’s divine will for humanity, it may be helpful to ask, what more than anything else do parents ultimately want for their children? Is it not happiness? What then might the Creator of heavens and earth, Allah Almighty, Who has created and given life purely as a […]

Why Worship Allah?

“And I have created the jinn and men but to worship Me.” — Surah adh-Dhariyat (Qur’an, 51:56) The Holy Qur’an states that human beings (and jinn) are created but for worship. Yet why worship Allah, God? Yes, one can certainly state that the reason why we worship Allah is simply because he has ordered or recommended […]

Spiritual Seclusion: Khalwa in Islam

Towards the goal of attaining enlightenment and a deeper connection with the Divine Presence of God, one of the most powerful spiritual practices in Islam is that of khalwa, or spiritual seclusion. Khalwa was practiced by the Prophet Muhammad (S) througout his life, both before and after receiving revelation. In fact, it was during immersions […]

Laylatul Raghaib, Suggested Practices and Amaal

Islamic spirituality is designed to provide continual opportunities to cultivate a greater level of consciousness and intention, for remembrance, awakening and presence. One such occasion is Laylatul Raghaib (also spelled Ragha’ib), which falls on the evening of the first Thursday of the Holy Month of Rajab. Such opportunities are not only valuable for spiritual development, […]

The Essential Practice of Meditation in Islam

At some point in the early history of Islam, the focus of Islamic practice shifted from the inner to the outer, from the spiritual to the formal. As a result, much of the original way of the Prophet Muhammad (S) became obscured to the masses. Yet nevertheless, Islamic spirituality was kept alive by a small […]