Bonus: Sample Guided Meditation

The following sample meditation audio soundtrack has been taken from the ISLAMIC MEDITATION PROGRAM to provide you an introductory experience into meditative practice within the faith tradition, its ultimate goal being the transcendence of self and awakening to the Divine Presence of God.

The Islamic Meditation Audio Experience Soundtracks have been specially designed to take advantage of subtle and unique audio properties, and are best experienced using headphones.

Because of the nature of the Guided Meditation Soundtracks and the effect they have on one’s subconscious, they will have additional benefit when listened to just before sleeping at night.

By allowing the mind to absorb positive programming as the last activity before sleeping, your time spent in rest will result in a powerful reprogramming of the neural connections that form the brain to better reflect Truth and a reality based in Peace and Prosperity.

That being said, feel free to take advantage of the Guided Islamic Meditation Audio Experience at any time.

  1. Sit or Lay Comfortably
  2. Wear Headphones
  3. Close Your Eyes
  4. Relax and Breathe Gently