On the Seeking of Pleasure

As human beings, we are naturally inclined towards and driven to seek pleasure. Yet the type of pleasure we seek and what one finds as pleasurable is largely determined by his or her state of consciousness. For one whose consciousness is localized in the lower self and based in ego (the mind and body), pleasure is the satiation of […]

Seeking Sacred Knowledge with Ustadha Linda Ayyash

Ustadha Linda Ayyash is a student and teacher of sacred knowledge. She has spent most of her life in the pursuit and study of this most noble of all fields of knowledge, and in this interview with Soul of Islam Radio, shares not only her personal experiences in seeking sacred knowledge, but also valuable and […]

Podcast: Peace

[hr] [twocol_one][/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][/twocol_one_last] [hr] Soul of Islam Radio: Peace It is with great excitement that we launch Season 4 of Soul of Islam Radio, which will focus on the emotional health, wellbeing and state of the believer. In this first episode, I discuss the centrality of peace in Islam, and explain how through internal spiritual surrender, one can attain to peace both […]