04: The Goal and Purpose of Islam

In this video, you will learn about the ultimate goal and purpose of al-Islam. Only by sincerely walking the spiritual path of excellence can one thus come to realize his or her divine destiny as an honored and elevated servant and representative of the Divine. Once having completed this brief mini-course and reintroduction to faith-based […]

03: Four Forms of Islamic Meditation

In this video, you will learn about four fundamental forms of meditation within al-Islam. Only by actively and consistently engaging in meditative spiritual practice can we progressively awaken the vision and power of the heart, and so ascend towards the Eternal Divine Presence of God.

02: The Three Stages of Islam

In this video, you will learn about the three stages of development within al-Islam. Only by seeking to progressively develop and perfect both our faith and our religion can we ultimately reach to its true purpose and destination, which is nothing other than the Divine Presence of God.

01: The Two Dimensions of Islam

In this video, you will learn about the two primary dimensions of al-Islam. Only by honoring and excelling in both dimensions can we reach the goal, which is the Presence of Truth, al-Haqq.