Awakenings Academy Feedback Form

In an effort to continue to improve offerings as part of the Spiritual Excellence Program and to better understand how I can best serve and support you through Awakenings Academy, your feedback via the following brief survey is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Throughout the tenure of Awakenings Academy, we have offered several forms of content and support via live sessions. Which have you found most beneficial? Please check all that apply.
Do you have any specific feedback on any of the above in terms of what specifically you found most beneficial, as well as any suggestions on what might be improved?
What do you feel to be the ideal length of time for live sessions?
How many live sessions per week would you like to participate in?
Do you find the current video format with cameras on helpful and beneficial to the overall experience?
If you personally tend to not have your own camera feed turned on, why not, and is there anything that might make you feel more comfortable in doing so?
Do you enjoy engaging and interacting at some level on the live sessions?
What types of engagement do you enjoy participating in and feel are helpful? Please check all that apply.
What additional feedback can you provide with regards to engagement and how we might improve this aspect of the live sessions?
In your own words, why did you join Awakenings Academy?
Please share anything else that you think might be useful towards making Awakenings Academy an even more valuable and vital resource.
Would you recommend Awakenings Academy to others? Please tell us why.