Donate : Support Spiritual ExcellenceThe best way you can support our programs, products, mission and message is by enrolling in our affordable and discounted leading-edge courses and offerings, which we’ve priced to make accessible to as many people as possible.

Yet some can afford more than others, and for those of you who value this project and this vision, your support is invaluable and deeply appreciated.

Your generous and loving contribution goes directly to making it possible for us to continue this work and this mission, as well as to making our courses, programs, materials and content available and accessible to those who may be less fortunate and unable to access them otherwise.

As human beings and as individuals, we make a difference with what we choose to support, whether it’s an international coffee chain by buying coffee or a latte, or a program or organization devoted to the progress of the human race through a return to spiritual excellence and to honor, light, beauty and goodness. You make a difference.

Your support enables and empowers us to persist in the work helping to support members of our community in their personal empowerment and to educate the public regarding a deeply misunderstood path of spirituality and its unique ability to guide humanity to perfection, awareness, consciousness and awakening in the Divine Presence of the Eternal.

It’s up to us to continue to move forward and to advance together the understanding of faith, religion and spirituality not only for ourselves, but for our future generations. Together we can create change, and together, we can make a real difference.

Know that anything you give to support positive and empowering programs, institutions and organizations will with the grace and generosity of the Divine be returned to you many times over, for the reach of your donation of love and support extends far beyond the immediate and imminent, and grows and multiplies as its effects are propagated, its benefit being continually amplified.

Your kind, thoughtful and generous donation goes directly to supporting and making possible the following offerings and resources:

Currently, we are aiming to found a permanent retreat center for spiritual education and development through which we can offer leading-edge experiences to help create real, radical and permanent shifts in consciousness amongst those who are sincere and seeking to fulfill their divine role, function and purpose.

Additionally, we are in need of facilities for recording, editing and content production, and must hire several key members to make possible the growth of this message and this mission. Towards the end of supporting a much needed awakening in our culture and in the world, your sincere support and generous contributions are invaluable.

Again, we sincerely thank you and pray for our mutual success.


[button class=”button-action” shape=”pill” size=”x-large” block=”true” target=”blank” href=”″][x_icon type=”sun-o”]Support Our Mission[/button]



5 Responses

  1. Salaams, dear friends,

    I would like to make a regular donation to the maintenance of the soul of Islam radio podcast – but I’d like to do it via standing order from my bank. Please could you let me have your account details so that i can set this up soon.

    Many thanks


  2. Salam alaekum sir, I m Lukman Seriki I subscribed to your you tube program, I do enjoy all your videos, I will like to enroll in your spiritual excellence program if only I m allow to pay on monthly basis.
    Seconly how can I send my little donations to surport theae your programs.

  3. Salam alaekum sir, I m Lukman Seriki I subscribed to your you tube program, I do enjoy all your videos, I will like to enroll in your spiritual excellence program if only I m allow to pay on monthly basis.
    Seconly how can I send my little donations to surport theae your programs.

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